Monday, January 26, 2009


How could I not do a post about Inauguration. Honestly how it was constantly in the media and how I was constantly reminded that this is history. How now so many people are finally proud of this country. We can all get along and love each other and embrace each other. Not as different races but as the human race...blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong I know and realize what an amazing accomplishment this is and it definitely shows how our country has progressed. I just hate being told constantly that I have to watch and listen intently because this is history. I get that everyone is hyped and excited, but it was a little ridiculous. I feel like too many people are getting lost in the hype and assuming that now with Obama in office everything will be perfect. Almost like this is the second coming and he is the Messiah. That part scares me. Hopefully now people can start to come down from cloud nine and realize that its going to take awhile for things to get better. I was watching more for entertainment value then for history's sake...I know I am shallow. Aretha WTF(you can have the F stand for whatever you feel like. Personally I have my F stand for ... ahhh nevermind). When she saw that hat do you think she thought to herself oh this makes me look nice and put together kind of conservative. That has got to be the biggest bow I've ever seen. My favorite of all was the benediction given by Reverend Lowery. I couldn't help but laugh at what his prayer. The rhyming was superb. Here is the part of his prayer that made me laugh. Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ... when yellow will be mellow ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen.


Camille {Sugar Baby Boutique} said...

haha i love it! Aretha's bow killlls me it's ridiculous. AND that bow is way too funny!

Alexis said...

Alisa! Come to Vegas! Come! Come!

That's all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

I was at the gym with my trainer when I looked up and read the text from the prayer. My jaw just hung open. I guess I need to embrace what is right, huh?...oh wait, I'm Poly...where's the line for the "tan"...I'm not even in that darn prayer - dang it!

Rachel C said...

Hilarious! I love your post! You are so right. I think regardless of what political party you belong to that Obama's presidency is truly historical but I am worried about this "hero" status so many people have given him. I was watching the inauguaration and they interviewed some woman who said that now that he is in office, she is going to quit her job because quote, "He is going to take care of her". WTF? I think it's great to have new blood in the white house but when Obama can't live up to this "hero" status so many of put on him, then everyone will blame him for the bad economy and blah, blah, blah.

I don't have your phone # or email. You can send them to my facebook account or email them to I would love to chat!

The Bates said...

I agree Aretha's hat was hideous. Seriously whoever told her she looked great, was mean. Very mean. So we need to get together and do lunch again. I miss your face!

Marek said...

This has got to be one of THE FUNNIEST posts I have ever read! And I have to agree with you about the hype. This is the thing that KILLS me...Pres. Obama is HALF black HALF white, but now all of a sudden it's just amazing that we have a black President. I don't go around thinking Polys are repressed because we haven't had a Polynesian President...actually, maybe I'm kind of glad about that. LOL. JK. And Aretha, what happened to SELF respect?!

Lynette M. said...

my favorite was the poem that the lady read! I stood there with my mouth open..thinking hello I could have written that! It was so random!!! Love you and miss you! Thanks for the great laugh!

The Jones' said...

Dang girl! LOL LOL totally made me laugh! I'm pretty sure your F is the same as my F and we will leave it at that! :)

Amber said...

Haha Alisa, you are HILARIOUS!! I saw your post on the jewelry blog, and thanks! I can make one for you too Alisa..... think it through ;o)
